Our 0xTrade DEX and Multichain CEX provide complete security and flexibility.

2 min readSep 9, 2022


Your Funds are SAFU.

Despite recent platform vulnerabilities across BSC network initiatives, 0xtrade.Finance remains safe.

The protocol was created to safeguard our users’ assets. This isn’t something we take lightly, and this post exists simply to demonstrate that.

It’s the little things that count.

Many decentralised apps have chosen to construct their platforms from scratch. While it may provide a false feeling of security, this is not always the case. Little things that developers take for granted are frequently the hole in the armour of the programmes they create. And attackers take use of these flaws to carry out their malicious actions.

How does 0xTrade maintain its security?

Our emphasis on what works is one of the reasons why 0xTrade has survived despite the avalanche of exploits sweeping the BSC network.

Uniswap’s reputation precedes it. From the first version to the most recent, the ETH-based DEX has had an outstanding security design. Multiple audits later, and the DEX security report is nearly spotless. 0xTrade is designed similarly to Uniswap.

Our code has been audited, and we have made all of our codes available for our 0xTrade community to inspect and verify.

We went above and above by having one of the greatest auditing organisations, xxxxxxxx, pre-audit our DEX codes.

Reports on Audits:

Provide the links here.

0xTrade Values Safety Above All Else

The De-Fi industry is highly unstable. Everything is built on smart contracts and codes. Audits may not catch everything, you may argue. That is why we take a careful approach to security. In the De-Fi ecosystem, slow and steady construction is always the victor.

Of course, slow and steady does not work in situations when the danger of a security breach is low. And our creativity is evident in areas such as the creation of liquidity pools, user-interface modifications, and more.

0xTrade remains committed to preserving the protection of our users and their cash, regardless of the nature of the De-Fi protocol assaults.
Our reliance on the top developers in the industry for code, together with the multiple audits performed, should be sufficient to reject these attacks.

To keep you updated, here are some social handles and important links:

Website: https://www.0xtrade.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xTradeToken
Telegram: https://t.me/OXTRADEoffcial
Medium: https://0xtrade.medium.com/

